The Happiness Toolkit — Tools to Create a Meaningful Life meditation retreat
SAT, August 17
10am - 1pm
with Kadam Tom,
Kadampa Teacher
Creating a meaningful life means having a toolkit of tools that will function to make you happy. Like regular tools that function for various jobs, we need to know what mental tools work best in various situations that life brings. We need reliable and replicable tools to stop our suffering, focus our mind appropriately and increase our wisdom.
“Happiness and suffering are parts of the mind; the former is a joyful feeling and the latter an unpleasant feeling. Since happiness and suffering are parts of the mind, if we want to avoid suffering and find true happiness we need to understand the nature and functions of the mind.”
- Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche
In this retreat, we will explore:
Distinguishing between outer and inner problems
The nature of our mind and having vision for the future
Creating a meaningful life by utilizing meditation in daily life
The retreat is suitable for all meditation levels, including beginners. It includes guided meditations, short teachings as well as Q&A in the last session. Everyone can benefit from this retreat — you don't have to be Buddhist to participate.
10:00 - 11:30am — Session 1
11:45am - 1pm — Session 2
Kadam Tom Mitchell has been a student of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso for twenty-eight years. Previously he has served as the first Resident Teacher of Kadampa Buddhism in Indiana. Often spiced with humor, his teachings enable busy modern people to benefit from ancient Buddhist wisdom in their day-to-day lives.
This retreat will be using the book How to Transform Your Life and Meditations for Relaxation by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche. It's not required to have this book, but some people like to have them on hand during the event or read more afterward. You can purchase books in our Bookstore & Shop — check out our Shop schedule.
2 sessions with 15min break
> calming guided meditations
> short talks to inspire
> guided meditations to transform
> in person only
Register or Drop In
> No experience necessary and everyone is welcome
> Cushy chairs and cushions
Saturday Retreat— $25/adult, $20/student, senior
Retreat included in Memberships:
$40 for 30 Days, Basic +, FP and Supporting Members